Monday, April 26, 2010

yellow tulips in pears' company

Just something different  I'm posting today....a still life with watercolours.
It was inspired by a kind artist friend Kim, whose work I love and visit her Eat, Drink, Paint  blog everyday. It really amazes me how she and all the other daily painters out there who can paint something new and wonderful EVERY day. Ok...I doodle and sketch (almost) daily but not like I can finish a whole new painting. I am more of a.... taking my time.....and think about it .....and reworking type of it's really not usual that I finish a painting in a few hours.
So if you haven't found your way to her blog yet, please take a look at her beautiful still lifes, landscapes and other works. You could even win one of her most recent lovely painting!! :)

Anyway, I haven't done a still life for ages and  I struggled with this one. I know there are some mistakes in it , but it was a good practice for the day! :)
Have a happy week everyone!


  1. Ah thanks Katalin! : ) I have to say your painting is fresh and lovely. My favourite parts are the pears on the plate. Wow! Great lighting on that plate! And perfect colour on the pears : ) Take care!

  2. The pears look so tasty!! I'm gonna go and eat one now!! :) Ohh, and i love the colours too!! :P

  3. Éppen mostanában forgolódnak a gondolatok bennem arról, hogy jó lenne, ha tehetséges lennék. Esetleg tudnék verset írni, festeni. De nem így születtem, és elfogasódom.
    Van egy automata gépem, és néha lekattimtom azt amit látok, mert feszít a vágy, hogy megmutassam, megosszam az élményt.
    Mélyen raktározom az agyamban, ami tetszik, és néha nagyon egyszerűen ' csak' leírom.
    Ezt olvashatod nálam.
    De máshova szívesen járok, hogy nézegessem bármely művészeti téren alkotott műveiket.

  4. heheh :D
    thank you thank you thank youuuuu!!!!!
    you just made my morning!
    oh im still loving the banner!



Thank you for your kind feedback, it is much appreciated! :)