Wednesday, November 25, 2009

purple swallow

As I promised earlier... I'm posting my new paintings as they are done. This week I'm really busy with finishing paintings....and don't have much time to sit at the computer, but I thought I post this fast.
The bird was inspired by a Hungarian children's poem which is one of my favourites. I've tried to find a translated version of the poem, but I couldn't :( and I'm really not good at translating poems. So I guess you just all need to learn Hungarian ;)
So here's the poem:

Nemes Nagy Agnes: Lila Fecske

Piros dróton ült a fecske,
piros dróton lila folt,
mert a fecske lila volt.
Ült a dróton egymagában,
ibolyaszín kiskabátban,
lila volt a háta, szárnya,
földre hullott lila árnya,
gyufa-vékony, lila lábon
álldogált a piros ágon,
lila volt a szeme csíkja
lila, mint a
lila tinta.

Április volt, jött az este,
meg sem mozdult az a fecske.
Április volt, április,
én hagytam ott végül is.
Lila csőr,
lila toll,
most is ott ül valahol

size 6"x8", acrylic on canvas


  1. Your on a bird kick too, ha ha...somethings in the air:D My best friend Judit Gueth is from Hungry as well and she often finds inspiration in the stories from her childhood too. Part of my family is German and so I am always drawn to European design etc as well:D...but I don't think it translates into my work at all.

  2. That's a cute poem, I've never heard it before. Your illustration goes really nicely with it! :-)


Thank you for your kind feedback, it is much appreciated! :)