After almost 7 months absence......where the time flies?
Sorry dear blog followers for neglecting my blog for so long. My life just got a busy turn...and it's hard to squeeze in time to write up a post here when there's so much other things to do.
Well I'm back again..and hoping to post more often.
I missed you all!
I have a lot to share let's start with the most important news...I'M EXPECTING A BABY and I feel so blessed to experience pregnancy with all its ups and downs again! I'm very excited and happy and hardly can wait to meet her/him at the end of February! :)
I can imagine I will be busy than ever but I'm hoping I can manage my time wisely and have the chance to spend some time with creative work too. I'm so inspired and have so many ideas....
In my long months of absence....I've been working on new paintings..attended art shows and I've been even featured on my wonderful artist friend's blog:
Eat Drink Paint go check it out and see Kim's work...she is a very talented and amazing artist!
Well, with the
Holiday Season just in the corner I thought I show you this painting first that I've done recently for an art show.
Stripes & Stars |
See you soon! :)