Tuesday, December 29, 2009

IF: pioneer

This is my submission for Illustration Friday's word pioneer
I've found this picture of my youngest daughter when she was five and dressed up as a pioneer at a festival. One of the activities they had there was to wash clothes by hand the old ways...well, she really worked hard and  happily hung the cloths out to dry after.
My pioneer little girl with a pioneer bird. :)

Friday, December 25, 2009

winter love

Wishing a very happy and relaxing holidays to all the readers and visitors of my blog! :)
See you soon!

Friday, December 18, 2009

IF: undone

First I thought I will post my undone illustration for last week's "hatch" topic...but  on second thought I rather post this finished piece that suits for the theme. Though undone has a lot of other meanings..in this case the cupcake is undone eating by a little mouse...who heard my steps and run away before I could capture him :)
I'm glad I could post an illo for this week's topic... and even better on Friday! Life has been busy for a couple of weeks now...and it's getting even busier before Christmas. Ok...I have to go back to my baking now!...it's still undone ;)
size 6"x6", acrylic on canvas

Monday, December 7, 2009

IF: crunchy

My post for this week's Illustration Friday's topic crunchy is this panda crunching on some bamboo....yummm.
size 8"x8"x1.5" acrylic on canvas